Pro Mopar
W: Rod McGregor (’69 Dart) 8.81 – 149.71 (8.83 dial)
R/U: Jonathan Noel (’70 Challenger) 10.90 – 118.38 (10.85 dial) Red Light
Semi 1: Neil Holcombe
Street Mopar
W: Andy Jenkins (’66 Belvadere) 13.61 – 101.83 (13.60 dial)
R/U: Steve Dippolo (’69 Charger) 12.38 – 96.70 (11.99 dial)
Semi 1: Heather Rooke
Pro Gas 7.60
W: Cliff Boyles (’53 Studebaker) 7.60 – 159.78 (7.60 dial)
R/U: Weasel Anders (’66 Nova) 7.63 – 177.09 (7.60 dial)
Pro Gas 8.60
W: Ken Saisi (’70 Nova) 8.64 – 148.41 (8.60 dial)
R/U: Bill Anderson (’68 Camaro) 8.57 – 155.49 (8.60 dial)
Semi 1: Bryan Franks, Semi 2: Mike Gillespie
Pro Gas 9.60
W: Lee Roberts (’41 Ford) 9.62 – 135.76 (9.60 dial)
R/U: Michael Corradi (’70 Nova) 9.58 – 135.17 (9.60 dial)
Semi 1: DeAndre Fitzgerald, Semi 2: Kent Coomes
Pro Gas 10.60
W: Mike Kopping (’65 Mustang) 10.57 – 121.63 (10.60 dial)
R/U: Rich Strickfaden (’73 Camaro) 10.56 – 125.25 (10.60 dial)
Semi 1: Denniz Paz, Semi 2: Dave Sullivan
“NHRA Speed for All” – West Coast Outlaws
W: Cody Dow (’68 Barracuda)
R/U: Jesse D’Amato
Semi(s) Ray Weidner
West Coast Outlaws Consolation
W: Rod Burbage (’65 Chevelle)
R/U: Dan Martin (’68 Camaro)
Semi(s): Mike Molea
West Coast 10.5 NA
W: Enrique Soto (’68 Camaro)
R/U: Branko Sindicich (’92 Mustang)
Semi(s): Shiloh Davies, Amanda Cook
Cole Dow’s Small Tire
W: Doug Reed (’37 Dodge Coupe)
R/U: Matthew Jesse (’91 Fox Body)
Semi(s): Matt Marron, Jim DiMaggio
BEST OF SHOW – Eric Seifert (1970 Cuda Gen III Hemi)
A Body Dodge
Winner – Bob Bianchi (1969 Dodge Dart GTS)
2nd Place – Beorge Chavez (1963 Dodge Dart GT)
B Body Dodge
Winner – Bob Koetting (1967 Dodge Coronet RT)
2nd Place – Joseph Moore (1970 Dodge Super Bee)
C Body Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth
Winner – Josh Grant (1968 Plymouth Furry III)
2nd Place – Steven Bosworth (1967 Plymouth Fury III)
E Body Dodge
Winner – Jon Sams (1970 Dodge Challenger)
2nd Place – Mark Perry/Cindy Lenz (1971 Dodge Challenger)
A Body Plymouth
Winner – Kent Taylor (1967 Plymouth Barracuda)
2nd Place – Dennis Roediger (1972 Plymouth Duster)
B Body Plymouth
Winner – Kelly Calapp (1972 Plymouth Roadrunner GTX)
2nd Place – Caroll Mortensen (1971 Plymouth Roadrunner)
Modern Mopar
Winner – Lyanna Ontiveros (2016 Chrysler 300)
E Body Plymouth
Winner – Steve Calapp (1971 Plymouth Cuda)
2nd Place – Mark Fanning (1970 Plymouth Barracuda)
Truck / SUV
Winner – John Martinez (2022 Dodge Ram)
2nd Place – Varinder Thandi (2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT)
Winner – Anita Southard (1971 AMC Javelin AMX)
2nd Place – Ron Miller (1965 AMC Rambler classic 770)
Winner – J.D. Mystery (2016 dodge Scat Pack Shaker)
2nd Place – Nini Narayan (2019 Dodge Challenger Scatpack)
Winner – Charles & Christina Thomas (1938 Dodge Coupe)

Testing Friday Nite September 8th – 5:00-9:00pm (open to all types of cars, etc)
Mopar Drag Racing-Car Show-Swap – Saturday September 9th – 10AM-5PM
GATE TIMES/PRICES/CAR SHOW INFO Friday Gates Open: 3PM Test and Tune: 5:00PM-9:00PM ($60 car/driver) Open to all types of vehicles. Not restricted to Mopars. Only 2 day spectator or crew tickets will be sold on Friday ($40) so if you are testing only your pit mates will have to buy a $40 wristband. Testing is open to all vehicles. All crew or spectators attending Friday must purchase a 2 day band. Saturday Gates Open: 8 AM Car Show set up: 8:15 AM Car Show judging: 10 AM-12PM, Awards 2PM Racing Time Trials: 10 AM Racing Eliminations: 1:00 PM Pit Admission: $15 in advance, $20 at the gate Car Show participant: $30 car/driver in advance, $40 at the gate Swap: $30 car/driver at the gate Pit Area Parking: $10 (all cars driving into the pit area including show, race, etc. must have a pit area parking sticker) Front lot Parking: Free Kids 11 and younger: Admitted Free w/paid adult CAR SHOW JUDGING CATEGORIES A Body Dodge, A Body Plymouth, B Body Dodge, B Body Plymouth, E Body Dodge, E Body Plymouth, C Body Chrysler, Dodge and Plymouth, AMC, Truck / SUV, Modern Mopar, Modified Basic Drag Racing Info that you should know: Drivers must wear long pants (no shorts), shirts with sleeve(no tank tops) and closed shoes (no flip flops), A dial in must be on your passenger window and passenger side of the windshield, in white, prior to 1st round of eliminations, Seat belts are mandatory, helmet required for cars quicker than 14.00 ET, no passengers allowed, everyone in the staging lanes must be 14 years and older. Time slips are distributed at the time slip booth at the end of the return road, Payouts are done, on race day starting after 4th round, at the souvenir booth, refunds are not available after your car has been tech’d and winning is just part of the fun you will have fun just being at the track. | RACING CATEGORIES (purchase your racing tech card separately at the souvenir booth after purchasing your wristband and car pass at the front gate) Pro: $45 car/driver in advance, $50 at the gate. Street or Fun Runs Racing: $30 car/driver in advance, $40 at the gate. DRAG RACING FOR ALL MOPARS POWERED OR BODIED PRO MOPAR (Full tree start, Slicks and open exhaust allowed, 2 step, transbrake permitted, NOS or Electronics are not allowed) Mopars only WIN: $400 plus trophy, RU: $150, SEMIS: $50 STREET MOPAR includes trucks and modern Mopars (Full tree start, Street legal cars only, DOT tires, mufflers required, transbrake, electronics not permitted) mopars only – WIN: Trophy, RU: Trophy WEST COAST PRO GAS ASSOCIATION Racing: $50 at the gate includes 2 day wristband and pit parking access only. Does not include the WCPGA fee collected in the pit area. Open to all types of vehicles within the WCPGA rules. FUN RUNS (open to all cars and trucks all brands) (Full tree start, run whatchya brung, no dial ins) amount of runs for the fun run class depends on time allowed and driver’s ability to return to the lanes when the category is called. WEST COAST 10.5, NA (1/8 mile, all NHRA and WC10.5 rules apply, Scoreboard times will not be displayed) Racing: $100 includes: 2 day wristband, Friday Testing, Saturday Tech card, pit parking pass…available at the front gate only. WEST COAST OUTLAWS (1/8 mile, No Times, No Scoreboards, Heads Up Racing) All racers must contact Troy Baugh to race this event. (530) 604-1076 Cole Dow’s Small Tire (1/8 mile, No Times, No Scoreboards, Heads Up racing) All racers must contact Cole Dow for details. |
Photo Credits >>>Doug Simpson