Pro Mopar
Win: Mark Beavin, Queen Creek AZ (’72 Duster) 11.06, 112.93 (11.05 dial)
Runner up: Kris Johnson, Lancaster CA (’72 Duster) 9.33, 138.50 (9.39 dial)
Semis: Robert Little, John Swartz
Street Mopar
Win: John Swartz, Reno NV (’71 Duster) 11.13, 118.18 (11.06 dial)
Runnerup: Will Garretson, Grover Beach CA (’64 Polara) 11.37, 118.50 (11.31 dial)
West Coast N/A 10.5
Win: Shiloh Davies, Norwalk CA (’68 Dodge Dart)
Runnerup: Nick Cuaresma, Gardena CA (’67 Camaro)
Semis: Shawn McBee Orange CA (’68 Plymouth Valiant), Cesar Jamaica Whittier CA (’00 Mustang)
CAR SHOW RESULTS A Body Dodge Winner: George Chavez (’63 Dodge Dart Convertible) 2nd: Brad Cartwright (’68 Dodge Dart GTS) A Body Plymouth Winner: Vic Bowers (’69 Plymouth Barracuda) 2nd: Eric Scott (’67 Plymouth Barracuda) B Body Dodge Winner: Thomas Anderson (’69 Dodge Coronet) 2nd: Jeff and Laura Miller (’69 Dodge Super Bee) B Body Plymouth Winner: Joe Kramer (’68 Plymouth GTX) 2nd: Rob Patten (’71 Plymouth Road Runner) E Body Dodge Winner: Ron Panus (’70 Dodge Challenger RT) E Body Plymouth Winner: Steven Calapp (’71 Plymouth Cuda | C Body Winner: Andy Harris (’65 Plymouth Sport Fury) AMC Winner: Anita Southard (’71 AMX) Modern Mopar Winner: Stacy Mello (’05 Chrysler 300) 2nd: Julius Olamday (’05 Dodge Neon) Modified Mopar Winner: Josh James (’53 Chrysler New Yorker) 2nd: Cliff Fales (’30 Plymouth Coupe) Trucks and SUV’s Winner: Jacob Bradly (’68 Dodge D200) 2nd Morgan Heinzle (’21 Dodge Durango) Best of Show Michael Peregoy (’65 Dodge Coronet) Best Non-Mopar Dennis Spanos (’69 Camaro SS) Hard Luck Award James Adams (’51 Plymouth Custom) |
Mopar Testing Friday Nite September 24th – 5:00-9:00pm
Mopar Drag Racing-Car Show-Swap – Saturday September 25th
GATE TIMES/PRICES/CAR SHOW INFO Friday Gates Open: 4PM Test and Tune: 5:00PM-9:00PM ($60 car/driver) Only 2 day spectator or crew tickets will be sold on Friday ($40) Testing is open to all vehicles. All crew or spectators attending Friday must purchase a 2 day band . Saturday Gates Open: 8 AM Car Show set up: 8:15 AM, Car Show judging: 10 AM-12PM, Awards 2PM Racing Time Trials: 10 AM, Racing Eliminations: 1:00 PM Pit Admission: $15 in advance, $20 at the gate Car Show entry: $30 car/driver in advance, $40 at the gate Swap: $30 car/driver at the gate Pit Area Parking: $10 (all cars driving into the pit area including show, race, etc. must have a pit area parking sticker) Front lot Parking: Free Kids 11 and younger: Admitted Free w/paid adult CAR SHOW JUDGING CATEGORIES A Body Dodge, A Body Plymouth, B Body Dodge, B Body Plymouth, E Body Dodge, E Body Plymouth, C Body Chrysler, Dodge and Plymouth, AMC, Truck / SUV, Modern Mopar, Modified Basic Drag Racing Rules that you should know that apply to all racing: Drivers must wear long pants (no shorts), shirts with sleeve(no tank tops) and closed shoes (no flip flops), Seat belts are mandatory, helmet required for cars quicker than 14.00 ET, no passengers allowed, everyone in the staging lanes must be 14 years and older. | RACING CATEGORIES (purchase your racing tech card separately at the souvenir booth after purchasing your wristband and car pass at the front gate) Pro: $45 car/driver in advance, $50 at the gate. Street or Fun Runs Racing: $30 car/driver in advance, $40 at the gate. DRAG RACING FOR ALL MOPARS POWERED OR BODIED PRO MOPAR (Full tree start, Slicks and open exhaust allowed, 2 step, transbrake permitted, NOS or Electronics not allowed) WIN: $400, RU: $150, SEMIS: $50 WIN: Trophy, RU: Trophy Plus $100 to the winner from A/M Performance STREET MOPAR includes trucks and modern Mopars (Full tree start, Street legal cars only, DOT tires, mufflers required, transbrake, electronics not permitted) – WIN: Trophy, RU: Trophy FUN RUNS (open to all cars and trucks all brands) (Full tree start, run whatchya brung) WEST COAST 10.5, NA (1/8 mile, all NHRA and WC10.5 rules apply) Racing: $100 w/2 day wristband, Testing $60 extra Friday Nite at the gate. |